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How might we enhance the personal growth of unemployed and underemployed residents of Chatham County through the Chatham Apprentice Program? 

Pathway to


Designed as part of a 10-week Emerging Urban Issues course, Pathway to Prosperity was a project in partnership with Step-Up Savannah and their Chatham Apprentice Program. The Chatham Apprentice Program helps unemployed and underemployed Chatham County residents find or create career paths that offer family-sustaining wages and opportunities for advancement. The Pathway to Prosperity enables participants of the Chatham Apprentice Program to map their journey, better understand their personal growth, and enhance them both after the program.

TEAM: Alex Fogleman, Alisha Saxena, Bingjie Cui

TIMELINE: March - May 2020

FIELDS: Urban Design, Inclusion, Graphic Design


Meanwhile, read about the project below:

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